If anything was possible, how would you choose to live and be in the world?
This event is an opportunity to explore this question and many others within a nourishing community and nature setting.
Enchanted seeks to remind you of the beauty, magic and meaning that exists all around us, inspiring new ways of living and cultivating active hope for the future.
Featured Guests & Sessions
Stewarding the Land of Wasing & Medicine Festival
Josh Dugdale
Josh is the owner and steward of Wasing Estate, which is the land that hosts Medicine Festival. Josh will share his story and experience as one of the UK's most inspirational and innovative landowners.

Gentle Revolution in Action
Floris Koot
Everyone who is taking an action, however small, is part of a gentle revolution. Activism has many forms, some well known, like protest, NGO's, and some less so. In this session Floris will go deeper into these less talked about forms of revolution, like wonder, crazy wisdom, be the media, be a bee and more. How may these prompts help us in unexpected ways? Spark our curiosity?
More to come...
40 people
At different stages of the journey
We will be curating a mix of people who are either looking to launch a regenerative project, develop a project or give back by sharing their expertise and supporting others.
4 days
Of inspiration, nature connection, engaging workshops, dance & play.
The programme will be filled with needs based masterminds and masterclasses alongside time for play, nature immersion, dance, art projects, evening fires and all the things that make Enchanted a magical experience.
6 Themes
Community Projects
Land & Property Projects
Business & Economy
Food & Farming
Culture & Governance
Lifestyle & Wellbeing
Connect with people who are committed and passionate about building regenerative projects in their corners of the world.

Our Story & Vision
In 2022 we were looking for a venue to host a UK re:build gathering about building regenerative villages. We found Selgars Mill and put down a deposit to host the first ever Enchanted. A few months later we had agreed with the owner to lease the estate full time with an option to buy after 2 years.
Since then we have hosted Enchanted twice and are now the official owners of the property. For us, Selgars was a dream come true. It has transformed our lives and given us a forever home and financial stability.
We can now think long term and reconnect with the true purpose behind Enchanted; which was to bring people together who are exploring how to live more regeneratively and build their own places and projects.
Over many decades and centuries we have elevated the rational and intellectual above all other types of knowledge, whilst also teaching that we should mistrust the evidence of our physical senses. In doing so, we lost that sense of wonder, awe and belonging to the Earth that we felt when we were children.
We want this event to not only be a fun, embodied and nourishing experience but also a space where we can share best practices and tackle common challenges. Let’s gather together in the spirit of play and collaboration.​​
The Programme
This is an outline of what to expect. We will be adapting the schedule based on the availability of guests and needs of the group.
Soft Landing
Embodied Tour of the Land
Welcome Circle
Evening Fire
Morning Dance
Needs & Projects Mapping
Guest Sessions
Nature Quest
Creative Activities
Free Time
Morning Yoga
Project Masterminds
Open Space
Evening Dance
Closing Circle
Nature Walk
Coliving Begins

A different quality of listening, learning and leadership is required to help us transition towards a more regenerative and thriving future. Enchanted offers a collective space for us to explore, experiment and envision the future we wish to build.
Followed by Coliving & SOMOS
We also invite you to stay for an extra week and join our SOMOS Summer Programme, which will take place the following weekend (Enchanted participants will get a discounted rate).

"To live an enchanted life is to be challenged, to be awakened, to be gripped and shaken to the core by the extraordinary which lies at the heart of the ordinary. Above all, to live an enchanted life is to fall in love with the world all over again."
- Sharon Blackie

Enchanted felt deeply nourishing, hopeful and inspiring. It is great to see so many pioneers concretely showing what it means to live and work regeneratively.
- Jean-Philippe Steeger

Enchanted was a magical place that had the world start to make more sense to me, meeting other people with such like minded work or mindsets .. and setting a platform for me to have more conviction into my work and life in the regenerative field.
- Rachel Sheila Kan

An experience of deep time where slowness and spaciousness teach you what regenerative really means.
- Nicole Reese

Where are we gathering?

Enchanted is a non-profit event and we want to make the ticket price as affordable as possible, whilst maintaining a level of quality and integrity in the food we serve.
Suggested pricing per person;
(includes all meals & free camping)
+£200 for private room
+£100 for shared room
+£50 for camper van spot

"Enchantment is the oldest form of healing"
- Carl G Jung

"Imagination is the only key to the future. Without it none exists - with it all things are possible."
- Ida Tarbell
Photos & Film by @connorsailes @rachelmann20 @antonchernikov